A. Hakikat leaderThe leader in fact is somebody who has the ability to influence behavior of other people in work with using the power. That power is the ability to direct and influence the men in connection with the tasks to the implementation of. According to Stoner, (1988) the more the number of source of power available to the leadership of the, the greater the potential for the leadership of an effective.
B. The Leadership1) approach The properties of LeadershipBusiness was first performed by psychologists and researchers to understand leadership is about the characteristics or traits of leaders who did it.In the search for the characteristics of leadership that can be measured, the researchers used two approaches, namely : 1) They're trying to compare ciri-cri of two people who appear as a leader with the characteristics that is not the case, and (2) they compared the characteristics of the leader of an effective with the characteristics of leaders who do not effective.
If it was concluded to the characteristics of the leaders based on some opinions above, then a leader should have :- The strength of physical enough- The strength of spiritual enough- Go to achieve the goal- It's full of enthusiasm- Friendly and a soulfulness- Fair and square- Have a technical prowess- Able to take a decision- Smart- You got skills to teach- Full of confidence- Got guts- Tenacious and time tested- You like protecting- Full of initiative- Have a charm- Simpatik- Confidence- Intelegansi high- Alert- A hot in the work- Responsible- For- ObjektifOf course, that kind of stuff is ideal and may not all properties above is owned by a leader, half owned and relevant to the field work led by the good.
- approach behaviorsThe approach of looking at that leadership can be learned from the pattern of behavior, and not from the properties of (traits) the leader. The reason the nature of someone relatively hard to identified.Robert F Bales (Stoner, 1986) said the results of research, that most groups that are effective to have the form of leadership is divided (shared leadership), umpanya one person functioning as task, and other members to carry out the function of social. The function is because someone's attention will focus on one of the role and sacrifice other roles.
- approach SituasionalThe approach situational view that the effectiveness of leadership depend on a match between personal, tugsa, power, attitude and perception. That's a lot of support this approach, including, the model of the Fiedler, model Normatif Vroom Tetton, and the theory of the goal (The Pat Goal Theory).a) Model KontingensiField and Chemer (1974) developing a theory of leadership that called the leadership contingency a model.
B) The leadership Vroom Teton.The normative Vroom Teton to explain how a leader should take the lead in the situation. This model shows that there's no one style of leadership that can be effectively implemented in all situations.c) Model the goalNearly the same approach kontignensi, the model line the whole goal of trying to estimate the effectiveness of leadership in different situations. The model was developed by Martin G. Evans (1970) and Robert J. House (1974) Stoner, 1986, based on models of hope, said that one's motivation depending on the hope of return and the value and focus the leader as a source of return.
Al-Mawardi rahimahullah in the al-Ahkâm ash-Shulthaniyah said the terms of a leader, including :1. Be fair with ketentuan-ketentuannya.2. Skills can take to the opinion in determining the contemporary and the laws.3. Healthy body, in the form of hearing, vision and oral, so he can directly handle the task of leadership.4. Normal (not), which hasn't hindered him to move and react.5. Wisely, which can be used to take care of people and put the interests of the state.6. Courage, which can be used to protect and fight the enemy.The more in terms of policy, patience, courage, healthy physical and spiritual as well as the ingenuity of the criteria that must be absolutely owned by a leader. They have those criteria, a leader will have difficulty in managing and taking care of the country and its people.Muhammad al-Amin asy-Syinqithi, “The leader should be someone who is able to be Qadhi (judge) for the people of the (Moslem). It had to be a saint mujtahid are no longer need to ask for a fatwa to other people in solving cases developed in the community it!”[1].
The leader of the Ideal is the leader of the Responsible.Responsibility means the courage to bear the effects of any decision that arise due to actions that have been implemented. In addition to smart and berinisatif, an ideal leader would need to have a responsible. Decision-making on how it works and the implementation of the mission a group of course, it was decided not to be hasty. A leader in charge are a resolute and able to think special forces to take all risks arising from decisions taken.
Nice post ... My frien