Friends of stemians there is a king who has ten beautiful daughters. The king is known as a wise king. Only he was too busy with his leadership, because it was not able to educate his children.
The wife who sings the king has died who created the youngest, the children sing the king raised by the nanny's host.
The princesses are spoiled and mischievous. They just love to play in the lake. They do not want to learn and also do not want to help their father. Fights often occur between them.
The ten princesses are named after the colors. The eldest daughter is named Puteri Jambon. Her younger siblings are named after the Pupi Jingga, Princess Nila, Puteri Hijau, Princess Gray, Princess Orange, Princess Red and Merona Yellow, Clothes that they are the same color as their names.
Thus, singing an old king can portray them from afar. Although their beauty is almost the same, the youngest Princess Yellow is slightly different, he does not look spoiled and naughty. Shame he was always cheerful and and smiling kindly to his ..
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