High Price of Virginity

Tens of years ago (1997) in Bandung, revealed a mother who sold her daughter virginity at a price of Rp 2,000,0000 to a wealthy businessman. This proves that virginity is very expensive. But for a man who buy virginity for a certain price, it is very immoral because virginity is priceless because it is God's gift to distinguish women's purity. So anyone who trades virginity as a commodity (merchandise), is tantamount to harassing religious laws that only allow intercourse after a marriage bond between them (men and women).

Moreover, virginity actually has nothing to do with stay young even medically just the opposite. Those who are too often and have lots of sex (sexual indulgence) will look old fast because of too much energy outed. So their pride in being able to buy or feel much of virginity is a false pride and barbaric.
The Crisis of Virginity Value Amongst Adolescents

Virginity is synonymous with morality. Groups, people or nations who do not value virginity will get their generation drifting in sin. They will regard women as "pet animal" and their price can be calculated by material (money). They casually play sex and trample women without any sense of responsibility or do not feel guilty of damaging women's purity.
In past that a phenomenon like this only exist in the western world, but today is no exception in Indonesia even in some teenagers and school-age girls in Aceh. They have considered virginity, not an important thing that needs to be maintained. So no wonder if free sex and pre-marriage sex was already rampant and done by teenagers of the present era. In the western world, ever a wealthy businessman announced that he would give a $ 100,000 prize to all American girls who were in 19 years old virgin (still for virginity). It turned out that of the many girls who lodge themselves, only a girl who is completely whole virginity or still virgin according to the doctor's research indicated at that time.
It is certainly a frightening phenomenon, how now the life of a girl has been so devastated. Sex is no longer something noble and sacred even a joke. Even the wedding institution itself, there is just as formality and no longer an exalted institution or no longer an institution that is considered sacred.
Their behavior (girls in the west) has spread to some teenagers and women in the East, especially Indonesia is no exception in Aceh, where they think that virginity is not important. Why do I say so? because of many cases of lover murder, newborn dumping cases and even cases of newborn babies were all not separated from the behavior does not assume virginity is important so free love or free sex was rampant. Hence the virginity crisis also occurs, it is not only in the western world but also in the east like Indonesia. Can not be denied again, even in Indonesia there are some areas of free sex (prostitution) authorized by the government. It can be seen from how much funds issued by the Indonesian government to build a hotel called "gang dolly" in Surabaya. The hotel was specially built by the government to accommodate and legalize free sex and prostitution.
Hopefully, this post will be useful for all readers especially for those who have girls to be able to guide, educate and lead their girls so them be a good generation and have high morality as well. They will in the future play a role in leading the country. Therefore, guidance and education is very important to them for now.
Cerita yang sangat menarik sekali..
indah selalu indah tapi kalau tak dipetik tak indah lah
Tak mau di petik, saya tunggu jatuh sendiri..
sorry no comments nothing from me, regards good luck you bring blessings this year
terima kasih atas doa dan harapan
ia saya harap juga begitu
terima kasih
The world is in a sad state of affairs when people believe innocent, pure women should be treated with ridicule. Just the opposite is true, they should be treated with respect.
Believing a virgin will bring ageless vitality is stupid and superstitious. Unfortunately, oftentimes it takes a mature mind to realize this.