fried rice can be called the food of a million people. Now, there are various variations of taste of different fried rice. However, if you want to enjoy fried rice-based standard, we simply provide simple spices such as onion, garlic, chili, and salt. The trick is to fry the rice and the spices until the color is brownish
nasi goreng bisa disebut makanan sejuta umat.Kini, sudah ada berbagai variasi rasa nasi goreng yang berbeda-beda.Namun, jika ingin menikmati nasi goreng yang berbahan dasar standar, kita cukup menyediakan bumbu-bumbu sederhana seperti bawang merah, bawang putih, cabai, dan garam.Caranya adalah dengan menggoreng nasi beserta bumbu-bumbu tersebut hingga berwarna kecoklatan.