What's wrong with Steemit | Ada apa dengan Steemit | Bilingual |

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

Hello the Steemians, hopefully always in good health.

Hallo para Steemians, semoga selalu dalam keadaan sehat.

This morning around 8, I opened the wallet in @esteem application, for some reason suddenly SBD in my wallet is empty, Steem Empty and Steem Power Reduced. A few minutes later I re-open the wallet, but still empty, so try to check history diakun wallet, which again strange history that claim reward yesterday no longer exists, even there is only claim reward six days ago.

Tadi pagi sekitar jam 8, saya membuka wallet di aplikasi @esteem, entah kenapa tiba-tiba SBD di wallet saya kosong, Steem Kosong dan Steem Power Berkurang. Beberapa menit kemudian saya kembali membuka wallet, tapi masih kosong, sehingga mencoba cek history diakun wallet, yang anehnya lagi historynya yang claim reward kemarin sudah tidak ada lagi, malahan yang ada hanya claim reward enam hari yang lalu.


What's wrong ?
Suddenly it can happen like that.

Ada apa gerangan ?
Tiba-tiba bisa terjadi seperti itu.


Try to note the picture above, as long as I know @ steemit, have never seen the word unclaim reward, I am more confused, what has happened.

Coba anda perhatikan gambar diatas, selama saya mengenal @steemit, belum pernah melihat kata unclaim reward, saya semakin bingung, apa yang telah terjadi.


Is this still happening?

Yes, It Still happens

Unclaimed rewards!? Hit the claim button and see what happens