
in #esteem6 years ago


Sahabat steemian, buah lengkeng sekarang sudah banya ditanam dimanapun, dan untuk mendapatkan buak lengkeng juga sangat mudah.

Dipasarkan buah dan di market-market juga buah lengkeng selalu tersedia.


Lengkeng sangat banyak banyak jenisnya, ada yang tebal isinya, ada yang tipis hingga rasanyapun sedikit berbeda menurut jenisnya.

Buah lengkeng sangat lezat untuk dilindungi dengan penyajian yang beragam,
Ada yang dihukum juice, ada juga isinya dicampur es dan sirup, ada juga dijadikan manisan sehingga bisa tahan disimpan lama.


Untuk budidaya pohon lengkeng bisa dilakukan dengan distek, dicangkok atau ditanam bijinya.
Sangat mudah bukan, yang penting saat ditanam selalu dilakukan penyiraman dan pemupukan

Demikian sahabat steemian semoga bermanfaat.


Friends of steemian, longan fruit has now been planted everywhere, and to get the longan is also very easy.

Fruit marketed and in the market-market also longan fruit is always available.

Longan is very many types, there is a thick content, some are thin so the ingredients are slightly different by type.

Litchi fruit is very tasty to be protected with a variety of presentation,
Some were sentenced to juice, there were also contents mixed with ice and syrup, some were made into sweets so they could last long.

For the cultivation of longan trees can be done distek, grafted or planted seeds.
It's not easy, what is important when planted is always watering and fertilizing

Thus, friend, friend, hopefully useful.



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