This flower is a flower that grows in the grass, without being cleaned and cared for at all this flower is able to grow well and fertile, and also this flower is able to provide good treatment for those of you who are stung by poisonous insects, you can rely on the flowers as a remedy for your healing. If you do not like the flower then you can ignore the flower, you do not have to comment about the flower, you are free to express your opinion as you like, but did you know that not a few people who really like the shape and color of the flower? whether you belong or belong to one that I just mentioned? you try to think alone, I do not want to think for you. Another thing you can see from the flower is wrong to pick the flower if you like to pick flowers, then you have glance at the wrong flowers for you to pick, you can try other flowers for you to pick, in fact many other flowers can be for you quoted exceptions with this one flower, this flower can not be held directly, there must be perantaranya to touch this flower.
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jehovahwitness (-10)(1) 7 years ago
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