Hello Dear Steemian...
how are you today happy and happy day, i will make a post about photography from camera smarphone ..😍
dried flower arrangement photography is a craff work that is created for the decoration of space that will be displayed on the table or in the corner of the room atsu elsewhere. so the atmosphere of the room will be more beautiful and beautiful what else this decoration in the living room and living room .
Photo captured by Smartphone
I think you will like this post
I'm completely thankful for all the Steemian..!
Have a Nice day
location : Indonesia
Photo by : @jeezzmirror
@and I created a tag community that I named "jeezz" hopefully the tag attributes can give the best .. and I have made communitas on facebook with the name steemJEEZZ, please visit, http: www.facebook / steemjeezz.com with communications bundles and compactness communitas can create to successan .
Thereby already from me, I say goodbye tomorrow we can meet again in another story. Thank you very much for my seniors who have given me the spirit in the fight, success for all of us, follow me yes, vote too yes
👉github : jeezzgithub.com
👉discord link : jeezzmirror#4589
👉facebook : facebukers go
👉telegram : 45870 jeezz
👉steemit link : @jeezz
I work not for rewards - I stand by myself!
one who must know this is my world FACT and REAL 😅😅😅
Successful greeting driven optimistic !!!
Thanks ☺

eSteem Surfer

Beautiful flowers..
Posted using Partiko iOS