hay stemian friend ???
** Since tonight in Lhokseumawe the rain again and the street hawkers are also quiet. Maybe because people are lazy to get out. **
** And the habit when the rain like this crowd gathered in other places such as coffee shops, and place like a bandrek seller.karena bandrek very good at drinking.moreover in rainy weather again. **
Bandrex is very tasty when taken at night or during cold weather like the rainy season. Bandrex has a lot of fans. Starting from the young to the parents. Bandrex has a spicy sweet taste mixed. Maybe for the person who first drank it. It will taste like ginger because the drink is mixed with spices.
And bandrek can to warm our body.
And this bandrek also famous in Indonesia country.
And this bandrek is also very tasty when mixed susu.karena more delicious taste.
And the habit when we drink bandrek better accompanied by fried bananas are warm.
Because fried bananas are everyone's favorite food.
Because fried banana is so delicious .. ??
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