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Please consider to upvote this warning if you find my work to protect you and the platform valuable. Your support is welcome!WARNING - The message you received from @steemian1 is a CONFIRMED SCAM!

Posting bagus sahabat stemian ..!!

Cara dapat upvote dan komen dari @ziapase itu mudah sekali ..

  1. Follow @ziapase

  2. Beri upvote pada posting @ziapase

  3. Beri komentar anda di posting @ziapase ..

  4. tag Aceh, indonesia, paragraph

Satu followed, upvote , komentar itu sudah mengubah segalanya ..

Boleh gak kita jadi kawan steemit...
Kalau bole jngan lupa apvote n follow saya ya...

Waalaikum salam boleh