Mie aceh selain rasanya nikmat dan menggugah selera.
Mie aceh sendiri sangat terkenal di daerah-daerah di indonesia
Bahkan ke luar negeri seperti malasia,brunai,singgapur dan lain-lain
Jika anda pecinta kuliner anda wajib mencoba mie aceh pasti anda akan jatuh cinta.
Aceh noodle in addition to taste delicious and evocative taste.
Mie aceh itself is very famous in the regions in Indonesia
Even abroad such as malasia, brunai, singgapur and others
If you are culinary lovers you must try aceh noodle you will surely fall in love.
At my favorite brewery they have bathtubs full of Berliner Weisse that they let me bathe in. I'd love a spa day of bathing in beer while enjoying this food.