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RE: Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

in #esteem7 years ago

Hi @ogoowinner

Great content of your blog ... just a small point of view from a humble artist :-)

Let's look on what's doing this so called "social media" nowadays ... for instance fb ... which makes expecially women to live their lifes thru comparisons to their virtual neighbours lifes ... it's good or bad? Does the mind know what to tell you if the fact that maybe you as women/men are flirting on social media or just get greedy to somebody else's Life or it gives you right away the total glimpse of the wrong perception that IF you're doing those actions, it's totally good? Filled with Love? Love=Evol? What i've presented in some earlier blogs on my channel was a sketch about this missinterpretation of so called Love nowadays ... the temptations of a posioned mind at this moment in Time ... when people are destroying themselves thru what supposedly meant to be a tool ( the blockchain/social media/internet)

The most dangerous thing is that people nowadays has no more a healthy/clean/sacred conscience :-) People had forgot one of the main seeds of Love ( the true one) which is the Acceptance ... yeah'the Acceptance of all the things you've got from our Great Architect :-)

Thru comparison and greedyness to somebody else's Life like ... hmm ... she has a Family ... but let's destroy that ('cause i feel it's good what i'm doing ... she deserves me ... instead of her man) or ... why this man loves my ex-colleague from high-school? I supposed to be in her place ... or ... why he travels instead of working? Does those actions justify a good mind? What/where are the boundaries of a healthy mind/conscience to help the both sides of humans (male/female) to know what is YOURS ( expecially as a Gift from Above) or what was not ment to be for you and you don't need to touch that?

Why do i feel we've been trapped sub-consciently in this game of all is one ... love is undconditioned ... we're all family ... when actually thru these actions of "gathering back" all the world as one and under this status of big family ... it's actually the opposite way of slicing it ... so people are divided from within their Families? ;-)

I believe every word has a subliminal power ... like ... Love = Evol ...

But was made like a jam on bread and people were tasting it and got poisoned with that sugar whithin the meaning of the word Love

Have a Blessed Day @ogoowinner

Enjoy my music from time2time

Let's not leave the "temptational choices" to be picked-up by so called Mind ;-)

Blessings to you all