Sevenday Black&White Challenge : 2 Day

in #esteem7 years ago

Sevenday-black & white challenge: (Day #02)
Some simple rules must be followed in order to qualify in this contest
• Seven black and white images that rejent aspects of your life.

• Deliver pictures every day for seven days.

• Take 7 black & white photos that represent an aspect of your life

• Present one image every day for seven days

• No people

• No explanation

• no color

• Run someone every day, but anyone can join in the fun.

• Use the tag - #sevendaybnwchallenge - as one of your five tags.

My Day Nomination: @aqli


Quote Of The Day

source & photo credit

"Being on a successful show is kind of like being a sea turtle. Every year, sea turtles lay hundreds and hundreds of eggs, but only a few manage to survive and mature. It's the same with TV pilots. There are so many great ideas, but for whatever reason only the lucky ones get picked up".

( Keiko Agena )

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