Steemian Fellow
The story begins from my journey to Gunong Salak in North Aceh. Gunong Salak is one of the most famous tourist attractions recently. In the sights there is a variety of food, drinks and snacks. One of them is roasted corn. Due to the pretty cold weather, roasted corn became the choice of many people.
Kisah ini bermula dari perjalanan saya menuju Gunong Salak di Aceh Utara. Gunong Salak merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang terkenal baru-baru ini. Di tempat wisata tersebut ada sijual beraneka ragam makanan, minuman dan cemilan. Salah satunya adalah jagung bakar. Karena cuaca yang lumayan dingin, jagung bakar menjadi pilihan banyak orang.
The corn is sold by a middle-aged mother. This mother is so diligent to fan her corn, when at first glance, I see that she feel tired There was a tiredness on her face. Perhaps all day he did not stop fanning corn even though his eyes were poignant by the smoke. The price of corn is only Rp. 5000, very cheap. Moreover, he had to travel a long distance to sell corn to the place. Once a mother's struggle, she is willing to do anything for the sake of her children. Husbands who are married to the family's backbone are now gone. What an amazing struggle for a woman.
Jagung bakar tersebut dijual oleh seorang ibu-ibu yang berumur kira-kira separuh baya. Ibu ini begitu tekun mengipas-ngipas jagungnya, padahal sekilas saya melihat dia kecapeaan. Ada rasa lelah diraut wajahnya. Mungkin seharian dia tidak berhenti mengipas-ngipas jagung walaupun matanya pedih karena asap. Harga jagung bakar tersebut hanya Rp. 5000, sangat murah. Apalagi dia harus menempuh jarak yang jauh untuk berjualan jagung ketempat tersebut. Begitu perjuangan seorang ibu, dia rela melakukan apa saja demi anak-anaknya. Suami yang seharisnya menjadi tulang punggung keluarga kini telah tiada. Sungguh Perjuangan yang luar biasa untuk seorang wanita.
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please one for me. i like very much.
Sorry she lost her husbands but the corn does look delicious.