How To Studied This Examination (2)

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

I normally studied by myself. My brain could absorb more that way. But sometimes I went to my friend Myo Myo's place to study with him. Sometimes Bo Bo, Khin Khin and Karma also joined us. The five of us would study, discuss and argue for hours.
When became tired and hungry, we went to a nearby tea shop to have some refreshments. Karma was the cleverest among us, and he always explained to us the chapters we found difficult. Sometimes when Karma's explanations were hazy, we went to our to our respective teachers for help and advice.
I have used my time properly and I have studied every subject as thoroughly as I can. I can confidently say that I am as well-prepared as any in my class. I even have Chemistry and Biology, the subjects I fear most, at my fingertips. I know all the equations and diagrams by heart. I hope to do well in this examination. With luck, I might even gain a few distinctions.