I'm so shocked because I'm doing the exact same representation, but more cartoonish. I haven't have time to finish, I guess I'll have to try to improvise and do something else now :p
I guess great minds think alike?
I'm so shocked because I'm doing the exact same representation, but more cartoonish. I haven't have time to finish, I guess I'll have to try to improvise and do something else now :p
I guess great minds think alike?
I'm not good at vectors, but I suggest to try to sketch it first then trace it on AI. I think it would be faster for execution. Alternatively, try stroking the lineart in raster then auto-trace it in AI to start color. Anyway, it's just my two cents, I'm sure you have many better options on how to execute it :)
Thank you so much! I'm so honored, i love it! would you give me your permission to print it and hang it in my art board at work?
Also, thank you for your recommendations! I usually sketch first and then I scan the image and I move on to Photoshop and Illustrator. I barely started to use them this year, so it's a lot of try and error and frustration and try again until succeed :P
For example:
The result:
I guess is a lot of practice and perseverance :)
Yup, that's the faster workflow, I guess. Nice doodle.Late noticed... sorry, @mbell :( Ok, I'll prepare a more proper one soon, glad to know that an architech like my drawing :D