I believe they are using all sorts of resources to document everything that is known about the structures, including speaking with the owners. My friend has published several local history books that include many wonderful old photographs, so I'm pretty sure that they are gathering as many old photos from the families as they can, also. It must be a huge amount of information.
That grouchy old farmer must have really gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. I sure am glad that I don't have to live his life!
I've wanted to do something similar in southern Spain for years, but don't know how to go about getting funding for it. There are literally hundreds of castle ruins in the landscape and few have any sort of historical information available at the site. I would love to get theo photos of sites and either write or work with a writer to compile their histories. Another hurtle is that, with dyslexia and vision issues, reading has become very difficult and most of the information about these structures is likely to be found in church archives and the musty basements of libraries.
I got a good laugh at the elderly photographer calling the farmer an "old grouch." :-)
That would be so interesting to research the old castles in Spain. Are you proficient enough in the language that you could read the old documents?
The language would be the easier part. It's the handwriting that would make it hard! I've actually translated part of a 15th century play and am going to, hopefully, get some time to finish it next semester. It's not unlike reading old English.