The education system in Indonesia is generally still emphasized on cognitive abilities. This can be seen from the orientation of a school-based school that is preoccupied with exams, from mid-test, final exams to national exams. Added daily and homework exercises to solving questions in textbooks that are usually irrelevant to the everyday life of the students.
It is time for policy makers, educators, parents and the community to constantly enrich the perception that the measure of success is not only seen from numerical figures. The school institution should be a place that always creates an experience experience for students to build and develop superior characters.
Understanding the Character Education Character Understanding the Language of Depdiknas means "innate, heart, soul, personality, moral character, behavior, personality, character, habits, temperament, character." The character is personality, behavior, nature, habits, and behavior. " According to Tadkiroatun Musfiroh (UNY, 2008), character refers to a set of attitudes, behaviors, motivations, and skills. The character comes from the Greek meaning "to mark" or to mark and focus on how to apply the best value in the form of action or behavior, so that people who are dishonest, cruel, greedy and other ugly behavior are said to be ugly character. On the contrary, the person whose behavior is in accordance with the moral rules is termed as glorious..