I never tire of seeing this video.
It is truly inspirational and sometimes we need to be inspired.
It is almost bedtime for me but I wanted to share this video which I saw again today.
Like quotes - a short video can tell more than a long blog post.
Spend 1 minute watching it - it could be the boost you need today.
Warning - not the best quality video - but the message is clear.
This post demonstrates the power of persistence - 'stick-to-it-ism".
It reminds me of the David and Goliath story.
if you remain confident,
remain motivated,
not give up -
you can be the winner,
you can overcome.
The odds are slim, but persistence makes it accomplishable
@winarobert -Indeed - Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke. Benjamin Disraeli
Persistence breaks every barrier
Absolutely @zyzymena - Energy and persistence conquer all things. Benjamin Franklin
“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.”
Very nice - “Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.” Roy T. Bennett :-)
just noticed the image you were talking about, you got it right! need to come learn from you lol
Thank you. Sure I can assist you. Backscrathing lol
I will bet the goat had a positive attitude and thought he could win. Thanks for sharing.
Yes for sure - being positive certainly helps.