Greetings welfare friend steemians, I will tell you about the virtue of Prayers dhuha, dhuha prayer is one of the sunnah prayer is done on the morning after sunrise and before until noon. The following virtue dhuha Prayer:
the one who prays Dhuha will be forgiven his sins by Allah. "Whoever always does the Dhuha prayer will undoubtedly be forgiven his sins even as much as the foam in the ocean." (Narrated by Turmudzi)
Whoever performs the Dhuha prayer is classified as a person who repents to Allah. "No one always does Dhuha prayer unless he has been classified as a repentant person." (HR. Hakim ).
The person who performs the Dhuha prayer will be recorded as a worshiper and obedient to Allah. "Whoever prays Dhuha two rak'ah, then he is not written as a negligent person. Whoever does it as many as four rak'ah, then he is written as a man of worship. Whoever does it six rak'ahs, then he is saved in that day. Whoever does it eight rak'ah, then Allah wrote him as a devout man. And whoever does it twelve cycles, Allah will build a house in heaven for him. "(Narrated by Atab-Thabrani).
The one who staunchly establishes the Dhuha prayer will enter Paradise by a special door, the door of Dhuha provided by Allah. "Verily in heaven is a door called the door of the Dhuha. When the Apocalypse has arrived there will be a voice calling out, 'Where are the people who during the lifetime of the world always do the Dhuha prayer? This is the door for you. Enter with the grace of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. "(HR At-Thabrani).
God is sufficient for his sustenance. "O son of Adam, do not feel weak of the four rak'ah in the beginning of your day, surely I (Allah) will suffice you at the end of your day." (Narrated Abu Darda).
The one who does the Dhuha prayer has given alms. "Let each of you give alms to every bone of your body every morning. For every time the recitation of the tasbih is alms, every tahmid is alms, every tahlil is alms, every takbir is alms, Telling to the ma'ruf is alms, preventing the unjust is alms. And in place of all that, it is enough to do two Dhuha prayer rituals. "(HR. Muslim).
So the virtue of Prayers dhuha, may be useful for my friends, Greetings @muhammadhusen1
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