Story - Related to the bombing that occurred in Indonesia
Hello Steemian friend good morning see again with me. On this occasion I will share a few stories related to the bombing that occurred in Indonesia some time lalum. This is my story.
Related to the bombing yesterday, I know this is a hard thing for Muslims. Including me, even a crisis of confidence. There would have been discrimination after this even for fellow Muslims themselves, as it used to be when the WTC tragedy, perhaps. But I do not think it's that bad. Indonesian society is not easy to eat. #we are frightened
Friends, I am Muslim and I am not a terrorist. Likewise with millions of other Muslims in Indonesia. We're all # good people. In Islam, even in the Qur'an there is no killing suggestion, there is no suggestion of hate each other. Islam is Rahmatan Lil 'Alamiin.
. In Islam, "lakum punished waliyadiin". Islam essentially teaches tolerance, not a hard flow that forces to submit to one vision. Not. Islam is not a racist religion that makes life in the world always in a state of crisis.
. Even if there is such, the more tongue they say Islam. We apologize because it's just the wrong way. Overestimating the role of making a lot of damage. We apologize, really Muslims are not. Please pray for them to return to the faith straight.
. Even if there is a speck of indigo that fell into the milk in the pot, then immediately separated which has not been contaminated. Do not stir, then everything is stale.
Story - Related to the bombing that occurred in Indonesia