Pulot I Miss You

in #esteem7 years ago


Pulot is one of Aceh's traditional cakes. Pulot is a cake made from sticky rice, then wrapped in old banana leaves, then burned. This traditional cake is very tasty. I like it very much. Especially if you eat with durian. Eating pulp with durian is often done. Usually in every durian trader, beside it there are sellers pulot.

Pulot adalah salah satu kue tradisional Aceh. Pulot adalah kue yang dibuat dari ketan, lalu dibungkus dengan daun pisang tua, lalu dibakar. Kue tradisional ini sangat enak. Saya sangat menyukainya. Apalagi jika makan dengan durian. Makan pulot dengan durian sering dilakukan orang. Biasanya di setiap pedagang durian, disampingnya ada penjual pulot.


How to make a pulot is usually done like this; first glutinous rice is steamed, after that sticky rice is given coconut milk and stir it slowly until evenly distributed, then wrapped with banana leaf, banana leaf in give a little oil to eat not sticky, last burned on charcoal that has become coals. Kipasi fire so as not to go out.

Cara membuat pulot biasanya dilakukan seperti ini; beras ketan pertama di kukus, setelah nasi ketan di beri santan dan diaduk perlahan sampai merata, lalu dibalut dengan daun pisang, daun pisang di beri sedikit minyak agar tidak lengket, Terakhir dibakar di atas arang yang telah menjadi bara. Kipasi ap agar jangan padam.

Pulot is a cake that is very suitable to eat at breakfast, or eat it while drinking coffee. Eating pulot while drinking coffee or pulp with sugar cane water, is a condition I miss.

Pulot adalah kue yang sangat cocok untuk makan pada saat sarapan, atau memakannya sambil minum kopi. Makan pulot sambil minum kopi atau makan pulot dengan air tebu, adalah kondisi yang saya rindukan.


Each Region has its own distinctive cake. Everyone has the desire and desire to enjoy a meal that he has not eaten for a long time. That is life, when we ignore it, when we do not miss it.

Setiap Daerah punya kue khas masing-masing. Setiap orang punya kerinduan dan keinginan untuk menikmati makanan yang sudah lama tidak dia makan. Itulah hidup, saat ada kita mengabaikannya, saat tidak ada kita merindukannya.


salam @mujasteem


that geupap,, peulot menyo ngen boh drien cit beurtoh mangat 😊😋😋

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Pulotnya enak x tu

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Miss you too.


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