Yellow Flower cempaka
Flower cempaka, one of the most famous flower types and have myths behind its name. This cempaka flower grows in tropical area and also sub tropical. This flower is spread in Southeast Asia, South Asia, South China

Yellow cempaka flower is often also referred to as cempaka perfume because it has a distinctive scent. This plant can body up to a height of 25 meters, with round egg shaped leaves are bright green and pointed shaped ends.
The flower of this plant is yellow, as the name implies, but the yellow tends to be cloudy near the orange color. The aroma of yellow cempaka flowers is so fragrant, you can smell the fragrance without even having to close the nose close to the flower.

Yellow cempaka is the identity of D.I. Aceh, in the area, this flower is known as Bungong Jeumpa Gadeng.
If you are interested in cultivating it, you can either grafting it, or it could be by planting the seeds. But, if you want to make as an ornamental plant, it is better to use a way of grafting plants, so that the plants produced do not grow too high.
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