Students of KPM IAIN Lhokseumawe Group 01 carry out Gotoroyong together in Community Service Lecture (KPM) activity which is centered at Reje Kampung Bener Kelipah Selatan Sub-District Bener Kelipah District Bener Meriah District.
In helping residents to maintain cleanliness. Because the cleanliness of half of the faith, assisted by the kpm group 1, among others, helped to plant trees on the road
In order for the road to be green and pleasant to see and like in beautiful foreign countries along the jalsn filled with beautiful flowers and plants.
The event was also attended by Village Device, village imum and residents in assisting students kpm iain lhoksemawe.
Public Relations KPM IAIN Lhokseumawe group 01
Pemandangan dalam getoroyong bersama.
Semangat dalam membantu warga setempat. Berapa bulan anda di sana
Tidak apapa..manfaatkan waktu disan a teman