Don't panic, that's all for beginner steemians #Bek Panik, lagenyan sagai keu steemians baro#

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

Bek Panik, lagenyan sagai keu steemians baro

Don't panic, that's all for beginner steemians

Salam syedara steemian mansigom donya, kiban haba disinan,
Postingan lon jino calitera keu sidro rakan lon yang putoh asa di Steemit karena dianggap kurung na yang berminat dengan postingan rakannyan alias status diteume meulalat.

Greetings steemian friends wherever located, how is it, my post about the story of a friend who is desperate in steemit because he thinks his post does not get the attention of his post aliases are flies.

"kiban steemitnyo, hana so meu vote pih ka padum uroe", nyan ban nibak si uroe di peugah bak lon, lon cuma meupeugah "saba dile, bek galak that keu divote le gop tanyo". Dan oleh rakannya di tanyong lom "Jadi kiban?".

"how steemit this, no one vote already a few days", one day my friend complained, then I say "patient first, do not expect the vote from others". And the friend asked again "so how?".

Lon jawub, "lon pih teungoh meurenoe ber steemit", lon lanjut "na rumus sosial di sinan". "Pu teuman rumus jih", tanyong rakan nyan lom.

I replied, "I am also studying steemit", then I go "there is a social formula there". "What is the formula", asked the friend again.

Ok, lon ci jawub lage yang lon teupu diantara nyan mandum nakuh :

Ok, I answered as far as I know and among them are:

Keusa : cuba beu sereng-sereng komentar bak postingan ureung laen, dengan na komentar lagenyan berarti tanyo na ta buka komunikasi dengan ureung dan ureung pasti saboh wate akan dijak komentar postingan tanyo.

First: Try frequently commenting on the post of someone else, with us comment there we have opened communication with others and that person will one day will comment on our post.

Keudua : Boh yum tip na postingan urueng laen yang menurot tanyo got dan na manfaat, dengon lagenyo pasti entruk akan na yang respon keu postingan tanyo.

Second: Appreciate the postings of others who we think good and beneficial, with like this there will be a response to our post.

Keulhe : Peugoet postingan yang meunarik. Postingan yang menarek biasa jih dipuphon oleh "Judul" dilanjutkan dengan "Asoe Tulesan" dan "Gamba". Judul biasa jih yang juet keperhatian mandum ureung karena judul duh bak daftar Feed, asoe tulesan beu mangat tabaca dengon kata-kata yang beutoi bek asai tuleh serta beu asli tulesan droe kon ata neu copy paste ata gob dan meunyo gamba juga beusesuai dengan judul postingan, bek sampe judul dan tulisan bah leumo ban di ek gamba ka manok keumarom.

Third: Create an interesting post. Interesting posts are prefixed by "Title" and "Content Writing" so a "Picture". The title will be the first concern of steemians because the title is on the list Feed, the content of writing is good in reading with the correct words do not write originally and the original writing itself is not copy and paste the works of others and images that match the title of the post, do not get the title of buffalo chicken image incubate.

Keupuet : Peugoet postingan beuseureng-seureng. Rame lon kalon ata gob di posting dalam si uroe sampe 3 boh postingan. Memang bagi sebagian rakan steemians agak meukarat bak ide tapi steemit nyan kon hanya posting tulisan sagai, na gamba atau istilah jih pos Photography, Video, Lagu, Gamba lucu, tutorial dan laen-laen. Nyan saknyo na aplikasi droe lage @zappl, @dtube, @dlive, @utopian, @dmania dan le lom yang laen jih.

Fourth: Often make posts, I often see posting other people up to 3 posts in a day. Some people may find it difficult to find post ideas but steemit is not just posting any posts, there are pictures or other terms Photography
, Videos, Songs, Meme Images, Tutorials and others. That's all there are own apps like @zappl, @dtube, @dlive, @utopian, @dmania much more.

Keulimong : Suereng-suereng kalon postingan ureung-ureueng yang reputasi jih rayek, ci kalon pu tulesan di posting. Biasa jih awak yang ka manyang reputasi jih akan di peugoet postingan jih dengan karakter khusus contoh karakternyan lage tulesan tentang Teknology, Peng Digital, Ulasanan Pasai Saham, Tutorial, Photography, video, kontes dan laen sebagai jih.

Fifth: Often see posts of people who have a high reputation, see what they write. Their high-profile customs write special characters like Teknology, virtual money, stock market reviews, tutorials, photography, videos, contests and more.

Keueunam : ikuti laju dan tamah ngon-ngon baro, mandum tanyo perle proses dan wate, hana yang instan langsong laju manyang. Meunyo hana ta rinteh dari miyup dan juga han akan manyang reputasi meunyo hana di bantu le ureueng laen. Maka jih beusuereng-suereng bantu gob dengan neu follow, neuvote dan neu resteem.

Sixth: follow and add new friends, all we need to process and time, none of which direct instances high. If not starting from the bottom and not high reputation if not assisted by others. Often help others with follow, upvote and resteem.

Nyan ban yang lon pu phom dari lon baca-baca postingan ureung laen dan lon juga teungoh meuruno untuk juet lage ureung-ureung yang reputasi jih ka manyang.

This is what I understand from reading other people's posts and I keep learning to be like them.

Lage istilah #dust hingga #superhero atau #legend, #curator, #steem power, #sbd dan istilah laen jih yang na bak steemit bah laen wate mantong ta peugah karena lon pih galom abeh lon meurunoe hai nyan.

on terms #dust to #superhero or #legend, #curators, #steem power, #sbd and others in the other steemit time we discuss because I am studying for it.

Jadi kiban jino, pu kuh tulisan nyo na meunarek dan meunafaat? Meunyo berkenan coba untuk neu follow, upvote dan resteem.

Then how, what is this writing interesting and useful? If you want to try to follow, upvote and resteem.

Terimong geunaseh ka neu piyoh,

Thank you for visiting,

Salum / Greetings



Ilme baro keu lon sebagai pemula

Terima kasih, semoga bisa berguna bagi kita semua

Memang droe neuh mampu dan jenius pak keuchik,

😁😁😁 Upps..! Nyan neungieng, @ceataeh pih kajeut bahasa aceh gara2 di simak postingan droe neuh

Hahaha... Karab payah cok langkah seribe...lon pike pakon ka di tigoem le cheetah

Oke... Saya akan mengikuti saran anda, sangat bermanfaat
Terima kasih

Oma, nyo lagat that nasehat yg nesarankan.., semoga dengan dibaca postingan @murizalpangeran, steemians yg putus asa bisa kembali semangat..

Teria kasih @ami92, kapan2 kita makan uengkot masam keu ung :)

Mantap sekali @murizalpangeran. Sungguh menjadi motivasi dan inspirasi bagi saya pemula yang sangat awam sekali dengan steemit. Semoga saya bisa menjadi seperti anda, salam!!!

Terima kasih @arifmudasir79, sama-sama kita belajar. Sukses untuk kita semua

waiting for more from you murizalpangeran! keep motivating!

thank you
Your comments make me more motivated to continue to be creative

Betoi pangeran....
Tambah motivasi

Terimong geunaseh, 👍