Iftar is the Sharda salad Starting from poisoning, there is no grain to add to the dehydration. It is also popular as salad as it turns out to be a salad. There is no grain option for salads. The popular vegetable contains various food items About 95 percent of this vegetable, including vitamin K, C, magnesium, riboflavin, B6, foetate, pontotalic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and silicus are water. There is no alternative to keeping the body healthy and vigorous So this is the summer in the summer Do not accept it as salad or as a vegetable Below are some healthy nutrition features:
Reduces alkali levels: Many people produce more acid due to food in their body. There is some alkaline condition in their body. Cucumber reduces alkaline levels and gives comfort.
Skin cosmetics: There is a continuous use of cucumber in skin care for skin care. Dark circles of skin, swelling or other problems There is no sweat pair to remove the blackness behind the sun's rays or the blackness behind the eye.
Silicon's great source: A beautiful mineral silica in beauty practice. Silica is strong and tangled on the skin tissue. It gives life to the body Besides, Silica also acts as a intercellular cement. Useful for muscle, tandan, ligaments and bone
Hair care: Silicone and sulfur accelerate hair growth If you get a mint leaf and marijuana in the granite juga, the activity increases.
Obesity: Breast water increases the amount of urine. Besides, the cucumber excreted the toxic substances and non-essential substances of the body. Cucumber extract Blood circulation in the nervous system and muscles.
To reduce weight: Since 95% of water is in the food There are 16 calories per cup. Playing more than a cucumber gives satisfaction.
Cardiovascular health is good: Cucumber increases the immune system Anti-inflammatory material prevents cardiovascular disease. It contains important minerals like potassium and magnesium. These minerals contain blood pressure control. Apart from this, there is no pair of blood glucose control.
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