Dear new member on HIVE,
Are you sure that you really want to post here ?
For example, we have a small account here, which belongs to a social club in Germany. Donations were collected and a few dollars were collected each month.
But since ONE person - who is a witness at HIVE with the name @Pfunk (a witness is actually someone who should represent the members) has problems with the founder of the social organization, he makes sure that all donations are taken away from the small account. Others who are also for the account are also punished and also with them all income is taken away.
If you publish here, make sure that you only publish what the owners of the assets on HIVE find pleasant. You may never express your own opinion or criticize someone who is a witness or owner of power.
You will soon realize that you only earn a few cents here. Others, however, sometimes enrich themselves extremely. Look around once, you see fast that some for small contributions 2 or even three-figure $ sums receive but you will not even receive 50 cents.
Since the account is now basically unusable by us, we have made it our business to inform all new members what they will expect here on the Blockchain.
There is no way to defend yourself against the powerholders of HIVE. One can only inform others and especially new members.
If you want to see how they take away donations for the association you can see this here
If you ever want to read up on what it's about, you can do this: