Let all brothers, we see the real facts, facts on various farms around the world.
In continental Europe and Australia, job title breeders usually belongs to those who have had extensive land, so the ancient sheep-farming business is the business of the business, the prestige of the rich.
Breeders in Europe and Australia has the goal of raising to the fulfillment of the needs of milk, cheese, yogourt, feather woll and of course one of the main ones is the fulfillment of the needs of the meat.
In spring, most breeders
in continental Europe and Australia trim the various grasses and trees to wheat supplies contrived when winter comes, the technique of preserving the grass dried out and stored is called the technique of hay.
Surely most of you ever seen the movie that was being heaped koboy fodder dried grass that is already dipacking Plaid as the supplies of feed his cattle when winter arrives.