Long GN suspension bridge- the suspension bridge over the long Jian river in china's Yunnan province has recently finished construction, its elegant but also truly terrifying, it set to hold the world hovery 920ft from the ground,it will also be the longest suspension bridge in existence. You will have to cross more than 8000ft to get to the other side of the sky-high bridge
Titleist cliff clock bridge- this bridge is not for the faint of heart, the titleist cliff walk is at the desk Korean walkway suspended 1500ft above an ice-cold glacier in the swiss alps engineering and building a bridge in these extreme conditions was very hard,it stand at a dizzying 3,238 meters which is over 10,000ft above sea level,walking on this bridge is both beautiful and scary experience
Royal gorge bridge- this bridge can be found in Colorado near canyon city, it crosses the gorge and its 950ft right above the Arkansas river and held a record for the highest bridge in the world, its possible one of the most anxiety induced commutes you will make as you take in the beautiful and very tall land scapes
Song GOG class bridge - this bridge was opened in 2016 and its a truly spine- tingling experience, the bridge is suspended 900ft high right above the steep valley,this bridge was built so that anyone crossing can enjoy the nature breathtaking sight below them but you might be little too nervous to take in the view as you stare down at the nearly 1000 foot drop, the scariest part might be the fact that one of the glass panes cracks underneath the feet of the pedestrian traffic. The bridge is limited to less than 800 people at a time
Truly terrific and also terrifying