Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu
- Law apologizes before Ramadan *when the Messenger of God was preaching on a Friday Prayer (in Sha'ban), he said Aamin until three times, and the Companions heard the Messenger of Allah say amen, shocked and spontaneous they said Amen. but the Companions are confused, why Allah's Apostle said Aamin three times. When finished Friday prayers the Companions asked the Messenger of Allah, then explained: "While I was preaching, came the Angel Gabriel and whispered, O Messenger of Allah
amin my prayer ", replied Rasulullah.
do'a Angel Gabriel is as follows: Yaa Allah please ignore the fast of Muhammad, if before entering Ramadan he did not do the following things:
- Do not ask ma'af first to both parents (if still exist);
- do not have forgiveness between husband and wife;
- Do not forgive first with the people around him.
Then Rasulullahpun amin as much as 3 times.
(Hadith narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah, Ahmad, and Al Baihaqi from Abu Hurairah's companions ra)
Do not feel 1 day lg will enter the holy bln Ramadan. For that:
allow from the depths of my heart, apologize for ...
unusual oral ...
missed promise ...
painful attitude ...
We apologize for all mistakes ..... *
May we be given long life nan barokah ... *
Hopefully we can meet in the Holy month of Ramadan ... *
Allahumma baariklanaa fii Rojaba wa Sya'bana wa ballighnaa Romadhoona waghfirlanaa dzunuubanaa ... *
Aamiin ...
Wassalam 🙏🙏🏻🙏🏻