Contention very great between siputih vs. the Gray, pertekaran lasted length about Forty minutes, two Tomcat this fight in the home owner none Tomcat the runaway even both quarrel with movement very quickly.
Below is the first moment move want to fight, the first once move is Tomcat Gray while Tomcat White it again preparing him to fend attack of the Gray cat.
Under this is one Photo Tomcat Gray again forward to attack the Tomcat White while Tomcat White that he is still not move as if we will see Tomcat White such as he fears to the Tomcat Gray whereas all my estimate the great one was White cat the again see hand movements or movement attack cat Gray.
Gray cat kept closer to the Tomcat White after that soon Tomcat Gray any direct attack cat White cat putih🐈 was not stay still he also reply to attack the Gray cat, the both of each other at hit and slap to slap, that's continuously to the second Tomcat the tired or fatigue.
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