Musings heart at night

in #esteem7 years ago

inlah a guidelines for all of US, let US consider with ,.

The ball game: 90-minute
film series: 60 minutes
action film: 130 minutes
prayer: 5 minutes

hell jahannam: lifetime
heaven: lifetime

let muses WhatsApp: 300 friend
contact: 80 friends
friend Kampong: 50 people
friend days difficult: 1 friends
friends in the body you: family
friends in the grave: you alone do not feel weird, this is the life essentially: nothing give you the benefits in addition to sholatmu

  1. itemif you find the dust mushafmu (book al-qur'an) then tangisilah yourself! Whoever not read the Quran for 3 days without any udzur then he named hajir / a leaving the Quran review: I don't force you to spread expand this paper will but the adherence to the word of God ta'ala: "warn was due to alert will benefit the mukminin" natural strange, body, followed by the body.. Death followed by the death of the next. News about death continue popping up there is dead accident there because sick there is a tiba2 dead unnoticed sababnya everything leave this world and they all our buried and it's for sure. My day and your day will definitely arrived prepare provision for journey that can not be back. Oh man delay taubat with the reason for young sorry ..... grave is not the place to adults only (grave place human all ages) it is the world's only 3 days: yesterday: we live there, and will not be back again today: we live but not last long tomorrow: we will not know what will happen and there is no guarantee we can live up tomorrow. Then each other forgiveness and sedekahlah because: I thee and they will be left glitter world forever ... Yes God we invoke the MU husnulkhatimah and lucky to get the heaven and survived fire aamiin Yes robbal alamiin brother my Noble: those living in a habit then it will die with the habit .... and those who died in a state then he will be raised in these circumstances .... if you are reading this paper have you get rewarded her, but when you pass and others mendapakan benefits also it will be folded duplicate reward your insyaa God