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RE: A one inch Baby Dwarf Chameleon!

in #esteem6 years ago

Hahah, you answer all of my fears Lady Joan.
Yesterday I let a cat in the tree have it by giving him a wash with a hosepipe so I don't think that he will return.
The roaming cats belong to the unit owners here and there is nothing that I can do about them.
I think the snakes will only arrive when it's much warmer, but you are right, as it's the flying predators that worries me.

Fortunately the tree is out of the way and nobody has touched or pruned it for years, so that is not a worry.
We will just have to allow nature to run its course.


Now you know they are there they have extra protection, having Troy may put the cats off, yes nature looks after itself.

We have eventually had overnight soft rain falling, have not looked to see how much, every drop counts with a drop in temperature for a day or two I will enjoy the weather, have a great weekend Stephen.

Still a bit cold here Lady Joan, but most of the dams are in a good state and at this point in time things are starting to look much better.
Just shows how dependent we are on the very nature that we are are trying our best to destroy.
Troy has already had one or two skirmishes with the cats and soon they will stay away from here.

Troy will need a meddle for keeping the cats at bay, gives the birds and chameleons a chance to nest and live in the garden.

The cats are really a big problem here Lady Joan.
Troy can get the cats, but the chameleons are not on our property and they have to take their chances during the hours that I am not around.
Luckily they are masters at camouflage.