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RE: Small things in our small vallage

in #esteem7 years ago

Nice views. Did you take the photographs?

I looked through your blog and see some nice posts. Again adding more description of what we are viewing. If you have difficulty with English try translation software. I hope I am choosing the correct language. If I am not please forgive and let me know.

I see a lot of potential in your blog. I encourage you to do another introduction post and be more throurough this time. Now you are more familiar with steemit it should go better. People like to get to know you.
When you do this hold up a steemit sign with the days date on it, and then take the photo of yourself.

Not sure why you got may want to go to the person's blog and in the upper ight hand corner click the mute button. I do not know if it will stop the person from flagging you again but at least he cannot comment on your posts so you have to read it.

Let your anger go and do not retaliate. I had someone put something negative on my blog post when I first started. I muted my first person.

Make sure you only use one account or people get irritated. And do not comment on the person's blog anymore.

Back to a new introduction post...once you do this let me know and I will resteem it for you. You can always reach me through

Good luck

Camaṯkāra dr̥śya āpani phaṭōgrāpha niẏēchēna?

Āmi āpanāra blagē dēkhalāma ēbaṁ kichu camaṯkāra pōsṭa dēkhuna. Āmarā ki dēkhatē pācchi tā ārō bistāritabhābē yōga karā. Yadi inrājitē asubidhā haẏa tabē anubāda saphaṭa'ōẏyāra cēṣṭā karuna. Āmi āśā kari āmi saṭhika bhāṣā nirbācana karachi. Yadi āmi kṣamā karē nā kari ēbaṁ āmākē jānātē cā'i

āmi āpanāra blagē anēka sambhābya dēkhatē. Āmi āpanākē ārēkaṭi bhūmikā pōsṭa karatē ēbaṁ ē'i samaẏa ārō throurough hatē utsāhita. Ēkhana āpani sṭimiṭēra sāthē āra'ō paricita hana, ēṭi āra'ō bhālō ha'ōẏā ucita. Lōkērā āpanākē jānatē cāẏa.
Āpani yakhana ēṭi ēṭira dina tārikhēra sāthē ēkaṭi sṭimiṭa sā'ina dharē rākhēna, ēbaṁ tāraparē nijēra chabi tuluna.

Āpani patākā ullikhita kēna niścita nana... Āpani byaktira blagē yētē cā'ilē ēbaṁ uparēra dikē ḍāna dikēra kōṇē niḥśabda bōtāmaṭi klika karatē pārēna. Āmi jānatāma nā yē ēṭi āpanākē ābāra phlyāga karā thēkē thāmiẏē dēbē kintu antata sē āpanāra pōsṭagulitē mantabya karatē pārabē nā yātē āpani ēṭi paṛatē pārēna.

Āpanāra rāga tyāga karuna ēbaṁ pratiśōdha nā āmi prathamabāra yakhana āmāra blaga pōsṭē kichu nētibācaka chilāma. Āmi āmāra prathama byakti nīraba

niścita karuna yē āpani kēbala ēka ayākā'unṭa byabahāra karēna bā mānuṣa birakta hana. Ēbaṁ ēkhana āra byaktira blagē mantabya karabēna nā.

Ēkaṭi natuna bhūmikā pōsṭē phirē yāna... Ēkabāra āpani ēṭi samparkē jānātē ēbaṁ āmi āpanāra jan'ya ēṭi biśrāma habē. Āpani sabasamaẏa steemit.Chat ēra mādhyamē āmāra kāchē paum̐chātē pārēna

guḍa lāka