INCREASING the economy of a region is still an indicator of regional progress. However, improving the regional economy is not an easy matter. It takes great effort and innovation to keep the economy on the rise.
In that context we need extra efforts so that economic growth will not slacken. In fact, although Lampung's economic growth grew 5.11% in the first quarter of 2017, in the second quarter it experienced a slowdown to 5.03%.
In fact, compared to 2016, the Central Bureau of Statistics recorded the economic growth of Lampung in the second quarter was able to penetrate 5.24%, after the first quarter of the year the economic strains only reached 5.06%.
The weakening economy in the province that became the gate of Sumatra, is not the only one in Indonesia. Other provinces, such as DKI Jakarta, South Sulawesi, West Sumatra and West Java, also experienced slowing economic growth.
Even nationally, economic growth in the second quarter of 2017 is slightly lower than last year. If in the same period 2016, the national economy grew 5.18%, this year the country's economy is only able to grow 5.01%. This figure is beyond the expectations of the government who assume 5.2%.
This slowdown is already predicted by Bank Indonesia at the end of 2016. Because, the national economy must face increasingly complex global conditions and challenges from within the country. Household consumption as a reflection of purchasing power also grew only 4.95%.
Achievement in the first quarter of 2017 is indeed not bad, considering many countries in the world experienced a slowdown even recession. Our economy that can still grow shows the purchasing power of society is still quite good. This is the homework of the government, to keep public purchasing power from slumping, by keeping inflation and price stabilization.
To trigger the economy to go ahead, it is necessary to consider efforts to boost national economic growth in 2017 to reach 5.2% target or Lampung economic target of 5.5%. Mainly by accelerating all forms of regulation at the central and regional levels associated with the implementation of investment. Investment is an important key to the success of economic development.
In addition, a balanced, realistic, and credible State Budget (APBN) design is also needed, as the APBN is an instrument to protect Indonesia's economy from global turmoil and weakness.
At the regional level, Lampung Province must utilize all its potentials; tourism is also the result of the earth to increase the passion of investors invest their capital in the Land of this Pepper. For that, it needs infrastructure improvements, especially roads as regional capital attracts investment. When investment is flowing, economic growth will undoubtedly go unstoppable.