Mango fruit is a fruit that has a delicious taste so that its existence is famous and widely consumed by all walks of life. Mango fruit has many fibers that are important content to launch metabolism in the body. Not only that, mango also has other ingredients such as natural sugar, Protein, Vitamin A, B6 and C. It also contains iron, calcium, thiamine, beta-carotene, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and pantothenic acid.
Some of the above mentioned contents are substances that can help maintain the health of the human body. Here are some of the benefits of mangoes that you must know, let's see!
Benefits of Mango Fruit For Health
- Maintain Your Bone Health
Having strong bones is a dream of many people, the article with strong bones can be sure you can do some activities that you enjoy without getting excessive fatigue. Besides having strong bones also keep you from fractures that are easy to happen such as when falling or hit something hard.
Well, the benefits of this one mango fruit is famous for its calcium. Calcium is a well-known substance associated with growing the strength of a person's bones.
- Keeping Cholesterol In The Body
Cholesterol is the leading cause of high blood and heart disease. For those of you who want to avoid both the disease then it would be nice if you do prevention early with one way of eating mango.
Benefits of this mango fruit in believe can lower cholesterol levels in the body because of its potassium content. Potassium is an important substance in the body is especially important in controlling heart rate and blood pressure in a person's body.
- Maintaining Eye Health
The eye is a body organ that must be maintained because of its function as the sense of human vision. Because it will be very vital if you have damage to the eyes. Therefore, maintaining eye health is a must for you. With Vitamin A belonging to mango fruit in beliefs can help in maintaining the health of the lens of the eyes and the retina.
One slice of mango fruit in believed to contain vitamin A by 25% so that by eating mango can prevent some eye diseases in old age such as night blindness and cataracts. In addition, the benefits of mango fruit that has antioxidant substances zeaxanthin can filter the ultra violet rays that have a role to maintain eye health and also can counteract the damage from macular degeneration in your eyes.
- Prevent the emergence of cancer
Cancer is a frightening specter in some people, the article of this disease causes a high mortality rate. But it would be better if you prevent early on by eating a famous mango can prevent cancer, because the benefits of this mango fruit has a compound such as fisetin, quercetin, astragalin, isoquercitrin, gallic acid and other enzymes. These compounds in a study can protect the body against cancer in the breast, colon and prostate.