The Dry Season Is Still Go On/ Musim Kemarau Masih Berlanjut

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

This story is the part of Petani Tambak Boleh Tersenyum Lagi
E: Hello happy steemian friends. Wishing you always in healthy.
Today my posting is about latest climate around Lhokseumawe town.

I: Hello sahabat steemit mania yang berbahagia. Harapan saya anda semua selalu dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat.
Hari ini postingan saya mengenai keadaan cuaca terkini seputaran kota Lhokseumawe.

E: Length dry season seems to be ended in early of April , it is indicated by the pouring of the light and
heavy rain for several time in the end of March. The East season has been ended, and now the west season to take a turn.

I: Musim kering yang lama nampaknya telah berakhir di awal bulan April, yang di tandai dengan beberapa Kali curah hujan ringan Dan berat di akhir bulan Maret. Musim Timur telah berlalu, Dan sekarang di gantikan oleh Musim barat.

E: The big problem of fishermen has been solved by the tide that reached their fishponds. They now can cultivate their fishpond again to feed their family.
But the big problem is still stay with the farmers who cultivate cattle (oxen and goats). They are still having difficulties to feed their cattle because of the grass field (savanna) has been dried. And also difficult to find fresh water for their cattle, most of wells around the habitant are dry as well.

I: Masalah besar bagi para petani tambak sudah ada jalan keluar, yaitu air pasang naik yang sudah menjangkau lahan tambak, sehingga mereka sudah bisa mengusahakan tambak mereka lagi untuk menghidupi keluarga nya.
Namun sekarang masalah masih menggayut pada peternak lembu Dan kambing, mereka merasa susah untuk memberi makan peliharaannya, karena padang rumput mengalami kekeringan. Mereka juga susah menemukan air bersih untuk ternak mereka, karena sebagian besar sumur sudah betul betul kering.

E:Most of cattlemen feed their cattle with paddy straws.

I: Kebanyakan peternak sekarang memberi makan piaraan mereka dengan jerami padi.

E: those cattle can not grow up well by less of green grass which has been being their main food.

I: Binatang piaraan (lembu dan kambing) tidak bisa gemuk bila tidak dengan rumput hijau yang sudah menjadi makanan utamanya.

E: hope this pain will pass quickly.
I: Semoga derita INI cepat berlalu.

Thanks for stoping by, hope to meet you again soon.
Terimakasi telah singgah, semoga dapat berjumpa lagi.


Unity In Diversity Salam @rikaz87


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thank you. have a nice day

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Thank you brother, I will check it soon.