In ancient times there was a worshiper named Abu bin Hashim who is very strong tahajudnya.
Almost years he never left tahajud prayer.
One night while wanting to take ablution for tahajud, Abu was struck by the presence of a creature sitting on the edge of his telag.
Abu asked, "O servant of God, who are you?"
Smiling, the creature said; "I am an Angel messenger of God".
Abu Bin Hasyim was shocked and proud to have been visited by a noble angel.
Abu then asked, "What are you doing here?"
The angel replied, "I am told to seek God's loving servant."
Seeing the angel holding a thick book, Abu then asked;
"O angels, what book do you bring?"
The angel answered; "In it is a collection of names of God's loving servants."
Hearing Angel's answer, Abu bin Hasyim wished in his heart that his name was there.
Then he asked the Angel. "O angels, is my name there?"
Abu assumes his name is in the book, karana practice worship that is uninterrupted, always do tahajud prayers every night, pray and also bermunajat to Allah SWT in one-third night, every day.
"All right, let me see," said the Angel as he opened his great book. And, it turns out that the Angel did not find the name of Abu bin Hashim in it.
Unbelieving, Abu asks Angels to search once more.
"Right ... your name is not in this book!" Said the Angel.
Abu bin Hashim was shaken and fell down in front of the Angel.
He cried his arm.
"My loss is always upright in every night in tahajud and munajat, but my name is not included in the group of servants of God lovers," he wailed.
Seeing that, the angel said, "O Abu bin Hashim! Not that I did not know you woke up every night when the others were asleep, you took ablution water and caught the cold when others fell asleep in the warmth of the cradle.
"But my hand is forbidden by Allah to write your name."
"What was the cause?" Asked Abu bin Hashim.
"Thou doest to Allah, but thou shalt proudly everywhere.
You are devoted to worshiping yourself. On the right of your left is a sick person, a hungry person, someone is sad, you do not see you are not pilgrimage.
They may be your mother, maybe your younger sister, maybe your best friend, maybe even your brothers, or maybe they're just your neighbors.
Do not you care about them, why?
How can you be a God-loving servant if you yourself have never loved God-made servants? "Said the Angel.
Abu bin Hashim was struck by lightning during the day.
He realized the relationship of human worship not only to God alone (hablumminAllah), but also to fellow human beings (hablumminannas) and also to nature.
Prophet Moses: O Allah, I have done worship. Where is my worship that makes you happy?
SOLATE? Your solat is for you alone, because by doing prayer you are guarded from evil and unjust actions.
ZIKIR? Your dhikr is just for yourself, making your heart calm.
FASTING? Yours is for you alone, training yourself to fight your own lusts.
Prophet Moses: Then what makes Mu happy O Allah?
That is what makes ME happy, because you do not make you happy people who are hard, I am present at his side.
And I will replace it with a reward of 700 times (Al-Baqarah 261-262)
Brethren, if you are preoccupied with ritual worship and proud of it ... then it's a sign you just love yourself, not God.
But, if you do good and sacrifice for others.
then it's a sign you love God and of course God is happy with it.
Make God happy then God will bestow His mercy by making our life roomy and happy.
(Quoted from the Book of Mukasyafatul Qulub Karya Imam Al Ghazali).
The importance of Silaturra'him.