buy at and witness how amazing this coin.
BPC Algo: Scrypt;
Type: PoW/PoS;
Coin name: BestPhysique;
Coin abbreviation: BPC;
Address letter: B;
PC port: 32500
P2P port: 32499
Block reward: 22 coins;
Max coin supply: 10266667 coins;
Premine percent: 10%;
Premine amount: 1026667 coins;
PoS percentage: 100% per year;
Last PoW block: block 10000;
Coinbase maturity: 4 blocks;
Target spacing: 64 seconds;
Target timespan: 1 block;
Transaction confirmations: 4 blocks.
BPC is amazing,this is the new future for everyone ,it has DEV team committed to help others to earn more,join here; and do the quiz for reward
follow BPC twitter @BestPhysique_C
grab BPC wallet here and HODL.. :)