
@mrsbozz was really excited when she was telling me about it because she wanted to make oatmeal. I am really interested in being able to do beans from dry in a short period of time. I told he I wanted to try to make baked beans and she said that she had also been thinking about trying to make our own re-fried beans. We just unboxed it yesterday, but I am sure we will be playing with it this weekend. I wasn't sure the 6 quart size was going to be big enough, but it looks plenty big now that we have it. I have some racks of ribs foodsaved in our freezer that I will have to try in it this Winter. Thanks for the comment and ideas!

oh lord YES ... beans from dry is amazing .. and doesn't take all day to make

I have the 3qt as I'm on my own ... 6 should do the job easily

Oh, one other thing... i loved that it didn't heat my kitchen up in the summer

That is great to hear! I am getting a little giddy now that you tell me that. Yeah, our air fryer has been really nice for heating things up without having to use the oven. This will just be another tool in our arsenal!