British capital London on May 6, in broad daylight, two teenagers were shot, police said. A teenager with a gun was shot and killed days after the shooting happened. In the London suburb assignment with two gunshot wounds in the 13-year old and two 15-year-old has been found in London had been hospitalized after police said. investigating Both head wounds no mortal danger, police said. Places on the scene and found the guns is no arrests yet. Whether or not the police investigation of the link between the two events. Opposing built south of London on May 5 in the 17-year-old Male killed by a gun shot. Opposing Death Ryan Lake Hi Tan, who aims to be a gangster architect, his mother said. East of the capital in the Hat, a clash broke out between two groups of acid attacks due to the age of 17, For many 22 and 27-year-old, three injured, police said. With knife attacks in London this year, Gun in the shooting occurred. 2. Since the early 18 people have been killed more than 6.
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