Selamat siang sahabat steemians, anak-anak tidak bisa disamakan seperti orang dewasa, mereka juga punya dunianya sendiri yang pasti berbeda dengan dunia orang dewasa. Waktu luang bagi mereka adalah waktunya bermain,merekapun tidak merasa lelah. Baik sendiri maupun bersama teman,mereka bermain dengan riang dan hati gembira.
Seakan tidak pernah ada beban mereka bermain bersama disetiap waktu. Haripun terasa begitu singkat bagi mereka menyisakan kenangan yang terindah yang takkan terhapus oleh waktu. Saat dewasa nanti mereka akan terkenang dengan masa-masa indah waktu mereka kecil. Sekian postingan saya kali ini,salam sukses selalu.
Good afternoon friends of steemians, children cannot be equated like adults, they also have their own world which is definitely different from the world of adults. Free time for them is the time to play, they don't feel tired. Both alone and with friends, they play cheerfully and happily.
As if there was never a burden they played together every time. Even the day was so short for them to leave the most beautiful memories that would not be erased by time. When they grow up they will remember the good times when they were little. So many of my posts this time, always greetings of success.