Workers' Coalition Urges Government to Protect the Right of Palm Workers
The Workers' Coalition urged the government to issue a clear legal umbrella specifically for the palm oil industry sector. It is necessary to protect the rights of oil palm workers.
Natal Sidabutar from the Indonesian Plantation Workers Union called the absence of specific rules governing labor issues in palm oil plantations causing injustice, and the arbitrary attitude of managers and owners of oil palm plantations.
This is reflected in the application of working hours and exploitation of workers without accompanied by the quality of workers protection, such as health insurance.
"Whereas working as a palm oil worker is hard, draining, then there must be a special rule that can protect the workers of oil palm workers from arbitrary acts,"
Not only that, Natal asked the Ministry of Manpower with the House of Representatives (DPR), which has long promised to provide protection is now holding special legislation for the palm oil workers.
The government is also required to enforce the law and take firm action against companies violating the rights of oil palm workers.
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