a house full of memories

in #esteem7 years ago (edited)

This is my entry to @photocontest under category #architecturalphotography sponsored by @juliank
Hi stemian friends... this is a house where I was born and raised.
I am the youngest of 6 brothers, actually I from poor family but we always to be happy . This is our small house, located in a small village in the district of aceh north of aceh province, in the 80s most of our village house was made like a stage because at that time our village often flood, in one year flood Click 3 untill 4 times because of overflow krueng pasee, unfortunately no documentation was shown because the camera was damaged by the flood.
the flood came without unexpectedly, when the river water was full and unable to accommodate the dikes collapsed, there was not much we could do except to save ourselves at home, sometimes we often ate raw rice because the wood was wet and at that time the cook was still using wood..now it's only be memories.


jadikan yang terbaik selalu

Mereka (orangtua)mau kami lebih dari mereka...terimakasih telah singgah

Jika saya melihat foto ini, seakan membawa saya ke masa lalu, sewaktu saya dan adik adik saya masih kecil. Dan tinggal di rumah yang kecil dengan ukuran hanya 5X5 meter. Kami tinggal 5 orang dalam serumah. Ibu, kakak, saya dan adik saya, karena ayah waktu masa itu belum bisa pulang kerumah. Dan yang paling sedih nya disaat hujan karena atapnya yang bocor, ibu saya tidur sambil duduk dan memangku adik saya yang paling kecil.
Terima kasih ibu dan ayah yang telah membesarkan kami dengan tampa. Keluh sekecil apa pun. Sungguh besar pengorbanan mu saat membesarkan kami.
Engkau lah orang nomor satu di dalam dunia ini. 😢

Dapat saya rasakan karena saya juga memulainya dari sini...Mudah2n jd motivasi untuk saya dan untuk semua...ketika kita terpuruk,kami bisa menjalaninya...terimakasih,orangtua kita luar biasa...