Benefits of Bougenville Flowers or Paper BUnga.
Paper flower or also popular with the name of flowers bouganville is a popular ornamental plant.
In addition to ornamental plants, this flower has unique benefits and benefits, as a natural ingredient for the treatment and health of our bodies.
Here are the benefits of paper flowers for health:
- Drugs of hepatitis disease
take 15 grams of paper flowers, then boiled with 400 ml of water until the remaining 200 ml, filtered water and drink warm. - Menogabti gonorrhea
- Treating ulcer disease
Take the paper flowers and cocor duck leaves to taste. Blend the two ingredients together and attach them to the boils. - Disease drug discharge
Provide 15 grams of paper flowers, then boiled with 400 ml of water until the remaining 200 ml, strain and drink. - Overcoming irregular menstruation
take 9-15 grams of paper flowers and 15 grams of puzzle bulbs, then boil with 400 ml to 200 ml, filter and drink water while warm. - As a body freshener
take 10 grams of paper flowers, then boiled with 3 cups water, boiled until boiling for 15 minutes, then the water is taken in the morning and afternoon. - cure dysentery
- Relieve the pain in the nipple.
Thus the health benefits of paper flower or bouganville ,,, may be useful to all of us.