Trans Fats are the devil, avoid them at all costs, I hate these almost as much as MSG and other additives that are added to your food by companies to make it taste better and addict you to their food (more on that later)
Trans Fats do occur naturally in small amounts, they differ from normal fatty acids because they have a disruption in the molecule. This natural occurrence is tiny. The occurrence that isn’t tiny however is the mass production of Trans Fats by the food industry by the processing of unsaturated oils.
The fact that the Food Industry can get away with introducing this into our diets makes me so angry I want to explode, what’s even worse is these little shits even promote it as healthy alternative, how many of these spreads do you see next to the butter in your supermarket ailse (I apologise for the language but I think you will feel the same once you’ve read this).
The Majority of Trans Fats can be traced back to Shortening and Margarine the problem is even if you don’t use margarine to cook or on your bread, the rest of the food industry does and it gets everywhere.
Margarine started to take hold in the Second World War which was understandable due to rationing and the need for alternative fat sources, the problem is in the 1950’s Fats like butter and Lard were believed to cause Heart Disease and so the use of margarine exploded.
With our increasing awareness of eating a more healthy diet, these comapanies even include the addition of omega-3 and 6 in the process or including small amounts of butter from grass fed cows, purely to be able to label themselves as a healthy spread.
Margarine is usually made from Soy beans, corn, sunflower or rapeseed. The oil is extracted via high temperature and pressure methods with the remaining oil removed with Hexane and other solvents. The oil (which is now rancid) is then steam cleaned to remove all its vitamins and anti-oxidants unfortunately the pesticides and solvents remain.
The oils are then mixed with a nickel catalyst and subjected to hydrogen gas in a high pressure, high temperature reactor. They then mix soap like emulsifiers in and the oil is steam cleaned to remove its disgusting smell. It is then bleached to remove its grey colour and they throw in a load of artificial flavours, synthetic vitamins and give it a natural colour with artificial colourings.
Then they stick it in a tub and promote it as a health food.
Eating it may not be enough to make you sick but the fact they get away with this should be.
The biggest problem is that Margarines are used in nearly all industrial cooking so Trans Fats are everywhere.
- Many Margarines
- Pies
- Pastries
- Ready Meals
- Take Aways
- Cakes
- Biscuits
Low – Fat Processed foods
With regards to Fat Loss, there are recorded links between Trans Fats and Obesity, because your body cannot recognise Trans Fats, it has no clue what to do with them so either stores them within Adipose Cells (Fat Cells) or disposes of them, unfortunately disposing of them can take a long time as the body does not have the specific enzymes to deal with Trans Fats.
For the good of your health if you do one thing and one thing only, eliminate Trans Fats from your nutritional intake!
Other illnesses and dysfunctions attributed to Trans Fat consumption;
- Increase in bad LDL Cholesterol
- Decrease in Good HDL cholesterol
- Increase risk of Coronary Heart Disease
- Increased Blood Cholesterol
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Paralysis of the immune system
- Cancer
- Athereosclerosis
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Immune system dysfunction
- Low birth weight babies
- Decreased visual acuity
- Birth defects
- Sterility
- Bone and tendon problems
Thanks for sharing the detailed information.
Does this mean that cooking oils like Corn, Soy bean and sunflower oils should be avoided?
Мммм, какая вкуснятина.