lazy cat

in #esteem7 years ago



halo steemian.
perkenalkan. nama dia happy si kucing imut dan malas, kerjanya cuma makan dan tidur, tikus yang lemat cuma diliahat dan diabaikannya.
kalau soal makan dan tidur dia nomor satu, tapi ada keunikan sendiri, yaitu : tidur tidur tidak sembarang tempat, dia tidur di kamar dan kusur sendiri. tidak buang air kecuali di toilet. dan tidak suka makan makanan yang tumpah di lantai.

Let me introduce you. the name he happy the cute and lazy cat, his work just eat and sleep, mice that lemat just diliahat and ignored.
when it comes to eating and sleeping he's number one, but there is a uniqueness of his own, namely: sleeping sleep is not just any place, he slept in the room and kusur own. not tossing except in the toilet. and do not like to eat spilled food on the floor.