UH- 5 Key Animal the world

in #esteem7 years ago

The introduction of Government-protected wildlife Father mother who I respect
Indonesia is a country rich in biodiversity. It is estimated as many as 300,000 kinds of wildlife or about 17% of the world's wildlife is in Indonesia, although extensive Indonesia only 1.3% of the land area of the world. Indonesia number one in terms of the richness of mammals (515) and habitat over 1539 bird species. As many as 45% of the fish in the world, living in Indonesia. Indonesia has also become habitat for wildlife-endemic or wildlife that is only found in Indonesia only. The number of mammals endemic to Indonesia there are 259 type, then the bird type and ampibi 384 173 type. The existence of this endemic is very important, because if it is extinct in Indonesia then it means they also became extinct in the world.

Although rich, but Indonesia is also known as a country that has a long list of endangered wildlife. The number of types of Indonesia wildlife are endangered according to the IUCN (2011) was 184 types of mammals, 119 species of birds, 32 reptiles, 32 types of ampibi, and 140 types. The total number of animal species endangered Indonesia with critical category (being critically endangered) there are 69 species, endangered species and 197 category the category of vulnerable (vulnerable) there are 539 type (IUCN, 2013). Animals-the animals really going extinct from nature if no action to combat.

The cause of endangered Indonesian wildlife punahnya there are at least two things that is reduced and the destruction of habitat, wildlife trade. The decline in the broad forest became an important factor in the cause of endangered wildlife punahnya, because the forest is the main habitat for the wildlife that. Mainland indonesia in 1950-60s reported approximately 84% forested (about 162 million ha), but now the Government menyebtukan that the Indonesian forest area of about 138 million acres. However, many Parties mentioned the different data that Indonesian forest area is now no more than 120 million hectares.

The conversion of the forest into palm oil plantations, mining and industrial plants are becoming a serious threat to the conservation of wildlife, including rare wildlife like orangutans, Sumatran tigers, and Sumatran elephants. poaching of wildlife that too often go hand in hand with the opening of the natural forest. Wildlife considered vermin by the industry, so that in many places of this animal was destroyed. After an increasingly shrinking habitat problems in quantity and quality, wildlife trade is becoming a serious threat to the conservation of wildlife in indonesia. more than 95% of animals sold in the market is the catch from nature, not a result of captive breeding. more than 20% of animals sold in the market are dead due to improper transportation. various types of protected wildlife and endangered species still traded freely in indonesia. the more rare the animals eat will also more expensive price. as many as 40% of wildlife listed dead due to a painful arrest process, inadequate transportation, narrow cages and food are lacking. trade in wildlife it is cruel! approximately 60% of mammals that are traded on the market is the kind of rare and reserved. as much as 70% of primates and Parrot that kept the community suffer from diseases and deviations in behavior. many of the diseases of animals that can be suffered contagious to humans.






conservation is an effort undertaken by human beings to be able to preserve nature, conservation can also be called with the preservation or protection. protecting flora and fauna species that are rare or endangered, protect ecosystems that are beautiful, interesting and also unique, protecting ecosystems from damage caused by natural factors, micro-organisms and others. keep the quality of the environment so stay awake, etc.

Wildlife of indonesia in law are divided into two classes, namely protected species and species that are not protected. According to Act No. 5 of year 1990 concerning conservation of natural resources, the ecosystem and biodiversity, protected wildlife trafficking is a crime that could be liable to imprisonment of 5 years and a fine of Rp 100 million. list of types of animals and plants are protected according to Government Regulation No. 7 year 1999 about the preservation of plants and wildlife. Then PP No. 8/1999 about the utilization of plants and wildlife and ACT. No. 18/2013 on prevention and eradication of the destruction of the forest. As well as Kepmenhut No. 443/Kpts-ii/2003 "about the affair and the arrest of circulation/retrieval of tsl.

Flora is the entire life of this type of vegetation of a region or habitat, or also called the natural vegetation. Then the whole animal life is fauna of an area or habitat or specific geologic strata or also known as the world of animals.
Types of plants and animals (based on pp number 7 year 1999) plants and animals that are not dilingungi, plants and protected wildlife, consisting of plants as much as 294 types and wildlife/animals as much as 236 types.
Why should be protected, because it has small populations. the existence of a sharp decline in the number of individuals in the wild. the limited dissemination areas (endemic).

There are four key types – types of protected wildlife in

  1. Sumatran tiger habitats with an altitude 0-2000 m above sea level (primary and secondary forests) status endangered (poaching and habitat damaged)
  2. Sumatran Orangutan/mawas, lowland forest habitat to the Highlands and is endemic to Sumatra, critical/endangered status 3. Sumatran elephant Habitat, lowland forests, endangered status 4. Sumatran Rhinoceros, lowland swamp forest habitat to the hilly area of critical/endangered status.
    The criminal provisions in a deliberate action with imprisonment not more than 5 (five) years and a maximum fine of Rp. 100.000.000 (one hundred million rupiah) article 40 paragraph (2). Omission of criminal confinement with the longest one (1) year and a maximum fine of Rp 50,000,000 (fifty million rupiah) article 40 paragraph (4).

The things that society needs to be done to stop the illegal trade of plants and wildlife are protected, among others. Don't buy plants and wildlife are protected, whether alive or parts of her body to be kept, consumed, or made into an ornament. If you want to keep the animals, buy wildlife breeding results with clear pedigree information and have a tagging (proof/mark wildlife breeding). report to the authorities if you see wildlife protected preserved or traded, either alive or dead or parts of her body. With contact Direskrimsus sms center Polda Aceh: 08116771010 Mr. mom that I respect the material from me, I ucapakan thanks and "love wildlife by way of letting it live in its natural habitat" wassalam.

thanks @good-karma @feruz @steemblogger


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