Good suggestions. Those are numbers are definitely not set in stone. I just thought of using the standard units of time (week, month, quarter).
Thanks @evolved08gsr:)
Good suggestions. Those are numbers are definitely not set in stone. I just thought of using the standard units of time (week, month, quarter).
Thanks @evolved08gsr:)
5 days is not going to make a big diff.
@dang007 what do you recommend?
I dont have a recommendation, anything is fine.
That definitely makes sense. I just know how annoying it is to see a longer streak get broken simply because you miss one day over an extended period of time. It may generate more motivation to be active, but it could also generate sheer frustration for not being able to log in for a day or two because something unexpected happened in your life .. or you were on vacation and thoroughly enjoying not using your smart phone :)
Great points! I remember aiming for the Fanatic gold badge on StackOverflow, and it got reset when I travelled to another country and didn't have access to the internet for a day.