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RE: Disaster on my Non-Singapore Trip Yesterday

in #esteem6 years ago

Okay, in this case, it was not the border faggot who wanted my address, but something similar to the FBI, so they can surveil me to get leverage over m customers. And it looks like they were desperate because I had no fixed place :D

A bigger problem without residence is at the moment to set up some accounts for financial transactions. Like Payoneer etc. Government is simply a fucking oppressing nightmare.

On the border is worse for me how they want to treat my daughter and her beverage and food.

Most traumatic for my daughter that some faggots can simply take you away. But I am glad that with 5 years she trusts nobody in uniform. Hate when people say they are your friends to kids. Fucking no, they are adversaries. Do people have Stockholm syndrome?

However. Relax, the world is sometimes a fucked place, but most things pass and you come out stronger of the situation. Question all ;)


but most things pass and you come out stronger of the situation. Question all ;)

Got it, @vthor. Thank you so much and best of luck to you too. It sounds like you have found a way to get through this, and I will too.